Treating Eczema: Natural Home Remedies

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What do you mean by eczema?

Eczema is a type of skin rash generally seen in children below five years. In infants, it occurs typically on the scalp, cheeks and can spread on the chest, legs, arms, and different parts of their bodies. After the first year, it further extends on the wrists, ankles, elbows, behind the knees, and various other parts.

It generally appears as rashes that are dry, thick, and scaly. Sometimes you may also notice small reddish bumps that get infected for various reasons.

It is not at all contagious. Eczema usually keeps coming and going and is very uncomfortable because your skin keeps itching intensely. If it is not treated timely, then it aggravates. So on seeing a doctor, they will suggest you some chemical-based medications. But before trying these steroid medications, it is always advised that you try out the home remedies for eczema.

There is presently no cure for eczema, but there are home treatments that you can do to manage eczema symptoms.

Suppose you or any family member suffers from eczema or an acute allergic skin reaction to substances or chemicals. In that case, it is always best to consult a dermatologist to diagnose what type of eczema you have. A dermatologist can also advise the ideal eczema treatment for your type and easy remedies that you can do to manage eczema at home. 

What is the basic cause of eczema?

The exact cause is still unknown. But there is a general tendency of inheriting eczema, which means if you or some close family member of yours have an eczema problem, then your child is also likely to suffer from the same.

It is not an allergic reaction, but irritants present in and around us like cigarette smoke or pollen and allergens in the diet can trigger the same.

Heat and sweat are said to aggravate eczema. Items that come in direct contact with the skin, like soaps, lotion, and fragrances, also worsen. Even hot and dry temperatures flare up eczema.

But whatever may be the cause, home remedies for eczema are the best way to deal with it.

Why is it better to use home remedies to treat eczema?

Instead of using chemical-based medications, natural home remedies are better options. In addition, these natural treatments are much safe on your skin.

Effective home remedies for eczema

Remedies can be of two types. One indicates specific alterations in your lifestyle, while the other brings about some changes in your food habits.

Firstly we will discuss the changes in the lifestyle which gives a certain amount of relief to the persons suffering from eczema;

1.      Soaking a cloth in ice-cold milk and laying it on the itchy area helps cool your itching sensation.

Read:   Treating Eczema in Children

2.      For any oozing rash, applying calamine lotion is soothing and helps in drying it. In this case, a homemade spray, i.e., the sea spray made of salt and magnesium, is also very useful.

3.      Applying coconut oil too helps cool the pain and itching of eczema.

4.      Adding colloidal oatmeal to your bath water is soothing for the skin.

5.      Don’t take a bath for more than 10 minutes because it tends to dry out the skin by washing off the protective oil layer. And always take a bath with lukewarm water.

6.      Generally, soaking yourself in water makes eczema worse. But for people who can endure it, magnesium baths are beneficial.

7.      After a bath, always use a creamy moisturizer to protect the skin from irritants. Try avoiding fragrant and water-based lotions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Increasing skin moisture is one of the most essential eczema home management techniques. Use moisturizers, prescribed creams, or essential oils to moisturize your skin. 

8.      Stop scratching.

Secondly, let’s discuss the slight alterations required in the diet;

1.      Eat foods rich in omega 3 and other essential fatty acids like salmon, flaxseed oil, avocados, walnuts, tuna, and mackerel. Taking them in the raw form is more beneficial. They help to reduce allergic reactions and inflammations.

2.      Take a reasonable amount of vitamin E every day to fight off dry and itchy skin.

3.      Vitamin A is also beneficial in the case of eczema, but long-term use is again not suggested because it can lead to other problems.

4.      Intake of zinc heals your skin. It also helps the body make proper use of the essential fatty acids.

5.      A herb named Gotu kola is also known to be suitable for itching conditions of the skin. You can make tea with this herb and drink it.

Read:   Discoid Eczema

More to consider when taking care

    Upon consult with a dermatologist, you will know what substance or chemical is causing an allergic reaction on your skin. Remove these substances at home or if it is found at work, wear protective clothing if exposure to these chemicals is imminent. If you are suffering from severe cases of eczema from work, then it is best to change jobs that further aggravate your health.

     Take warm baths to increase skin moisture effectively and apply moisturizer at once after bathing.

    Avoid irritating products like harsh soaps, fragrances, cleaning agents, aftershaves, etc. Instead, use mild soap in bathing and follow any skin regimen advised by your dermatologist.

• an excellent eczema home remedy is to increase moisture content in the home; use a humidifier or a pan of water near a fireplace or furnace.

    Avoid constricting clothing and clothes made of wool. Instead, wear loose-fitting cotton clothes that can effectively absorb sweat. Avoid sweating and keep cool all the time.

    Increase your water intake; this is an effective skin hydrating technique that increases skin moisture from the inside. In addition, eat fruits in season and drink fruit juices that can also help improve your body’s moisture content.

    Managing stress can also help prevent eczema symptom flare-ups. Conversely, stress can cause eczema symptoms, and stress-reduction activities can effectively reduce skin inflammation and reaction.

    Home treatment for eczema also involves keeping skin from infection. Infection often results from intense scratching of the skin lesions. Keeping skin moisturized constantly manages skin itching. Antihistamines and other eczema medications can also help control itch and inflammation. Keep nails short to prevent skin injury from scratching. Gloves can also prevent a person from scratching his lesions, especially at night.

•     Increasing the body’s resistance by eating healthy and taking dietary supplements can significantly decrease eczema symptoms. Medications used to control eczema symptoms may reduce the immune system increasing the person’s risk to acquire other infections and diseases, and thus increasing the body’s resistance must be done.

Controlling and managing eczema at home is the first step in treating and preventing eczema attacks. Consult your dermatologist for other methods to effectively control your symptoms at home, especially at work or school.

To wrap up, we can say that the above-mentioned home remedies for eczema will help you. Still, you need to be patient and follow them religiously to notice some remarkable differences.


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