Severe Eczema

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How To Cure Severe Eczema Naturally?

What do you mean by severe eczema?

eczema bumps

It is characterized by thickened, dry, itchy skin, cracking, blistering, scaling or crusting of about 20% of the body and making life miserable for those 15 million Americans who are suffering from eczema. Those who suffer from this condition have rashes spread all over — affecting parts like the scalp, neck, face, elbow, knees, hands, and feet. And studies say that they tend to scratch themselves around 10,000 times a day, which worsens the condition and leads to severe infections. It is not only a painful condition but also life-threatening at times.  

About 20% of children and 2% of adults are likely to suffer from eczema, and it is more common in girls. Eczema is not contagious but can be partially inherited.


The exact reason behind eczema or atopic dermatitis is still unknown. But the two important things that are believed to be the triggering factors of eczema are a fault of the skin which weakens its obstructive function and the irregular functioning of the immune system. People suffering from eczema are seen to have specific gene defects, which cause abnormalities in a protein named filaggrin. The protein is vital in retaining the normal barrier function of the skin.

Some external substances like cosmetics, soaps, detergents, clothing, etc. when it comes in contact with the skin are also known to trigger the condition.

Change in humidity or temperature and sometimes psychological stress can also a leading cause.

This condition of eczema can eventually lead to severe eczema in certain people.

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Complications associated

There are chances that nearly 50% of the people suffering from severe atopic dermatitis may develop asthma and around 66% developing hay fever. The other complications associated are namely depression and anxiety, life-threatening skin infections like eczema herpeticum, blepharitis, contact dermatitis, and exfoliative dermatitis.

Some common home remedies

Many people suffering from severe eczema after trying out conventional treatment for years and not getting any results have shifted to natural remedies. A few of which are listed below;

500 mg of burdock in capsule form, if taken three times a day, helps to cleanse our body by expelling toxins.

If the eczema is dry, then Calendula, in the form of tea, compression, or ointment, gives relief from itching, flaking, and blistering.

A paste made of warm fresh cabbage leaves, if applied to eczema affected areas and bandaged, can be soothing.

Chickweed cream or one teaspoon of chickweed oil, if mixed in bathing water, can also give relief from itching.

250 mg of Licorice twice a day acts as an excellent natural inflammatory agent.

Goldenseal powder, if consumed with honey or mixed with water and applied to the affected area, is said to give relief.

The herb Skullcap also has a calming effect.

Chamomile tea, if consumed before bedtime, gives relief from stress and irritation.

Witch hazel compression or ointment has excellent astringent properties and can heal severe atopic dermatitis.

Take 500 mg of red clover or red clover tea three times a day; it helps in fighting stress and infection and also cleanses the system.

Read:   Essential Eczema Treatment Information – Read This Before You Try Any Creams

Stinging nettle ointment or cream improves the blood circulation when applied topically on the skin.

St. John’s wort oil also relieves from blistering and inflammation when rubbed on the affected area.

If you are suffering from severe eczema, consult a dermatologist at the earliest and find out a remedial combination that will suit your skin type the best.

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