Eczema Medications

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Best Eczema Medications to Soothe Your Skin

If you have been diagnosed with eczema, you must follow a proper treatment plan prescribed by a doctor for several factors.

These include the medical history of the patient, the type of eczema they have been diagnosed with, and its extent and severity. 

Most eczema medications available on the market are to alleviate the itching and skin inflammation associated with this condition. In addition, these are intended to help rid of the infection, reduce the occurrence of lesions, and heal them.

Antibiotics used as Eczema Medications

Antibiotics have proved to be an effective medication for almost all types of eczema as it helps treat a bacterial infection, which causes the same. One of the most common manifestations of this skin condition is constant itching. Statistics show that patients suffering from atopic dermatitis scratches their skin nearly 500 to 1000 times a day. That not only scars the upper layer of the skin but also aids in spreading the bacterial infection. However, regular intake of prescribed antibiotics can provide much-needed relief to the patient as it kills the infection-causing microorganisms and helps clear the infection.

It is best to take the antibiotics prescribed for treating eczema orally. However, several doctors also prescribe topical antibiotic ointments that are applied over the infected area. You can take these antibiotic medicines intravenously in extreme cases to provide instant relief from all the itching.

However, you should follow the doctor’s prescription and not skip doses or overdose to gain maximum benefit from these eczema medications. Doing this will do more harm than good, as it may help the bacteria resist the medicine.

Read:   How to Reduce the Itching Associated with Eczema

Using Barrier Repair Moisturizers as Eczema Medication

These steroid-free, skin-barrier repair moisturizers are used broadly to treat the most common eczema, ranging from atopic dermatitis to irritant contact dermatitis and radiation dermatitis. The main aim of using these creams is to prevent water loss from the skin and to help repair the outer skin layer that has been damaged due to bacterial infection. Studies have already shown that these topical creams have proved exceptionally helpful in improving the skin and relieving the burning sensation associated with constant itching.

While some of these moisturizers can be bought over the counter, it is highly recommended that you consult a doctor before using one. Also, ensure that the barrier repair moisturizer you buy from the market has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and is safe for children. 

Regular use of these creams can reduce the redness and thickening of the skin, which is common in patients suffering from eczema.

One of the most common ingredients in these medications is a lipid called ceramide that occurs naturally in the epidermal layer of healthy skin. However, it is always better to opt for a non-scented formulation as the fragrance-inducing ingredient may irritate the skin even more.

Antihistamines used as Eczema Medications

Another common form of Eczema medication that has shown excellent results is antihistamines. These are primarily prescribed in case of severe itching that leads to a disturbed sleep cycle. These medications have been found more effective in helping patients get some sleep rather than alleviating the itching. Depending on their specific case, patients may be prescribed sedating or non-sedating antihistamines to help them sleep, as sound sleep is believed to be vital in healing skin-related ailments.

Read:   Eczema Symptoms

Since the primary purpose of taking this medication is to induce sleep, care must be taken not to overdose on them. Apart from the dosage, the prescribed method of taking this drug should also be followed carefully. Once you keep the above points in mind, you do not need to worry about its side effects, even if it is being administered to very young children.

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