Baby Eczema Treatment: What Do You Need to Know?

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Eczema is a disease that appears in the form of rashes on the skin. It starts affecting babies at the age of six months to two years of age. Studies reveal that today, up to twenty percent of babies suffer from eczema.


The reasons leading to eczema still remains a mystery to the experts. They only believe that this disease passes from one generation to another. It implies that if anyone in your family is suffering from any kind of allergy like asthma, your child becomes an easy victim of eczema. Medical science also knows that this disease is not a reaction to something. However, general allergens like cigarette smoke can aggravate this disease. A child’s diet too may contain substances that may trigger eczema. Most of the time, children get permanent relief from this disease when they grow into adulthood.

Taking good care of your child’s skin and avoiding known risk factors are the generally recommended options for those who want to help their children outgrow eczema within the shortest possible time.

Atopic eczema manifests in infants, mainly in areas like the cheeks, scalp, shoulders, chest, and thumb. In children over two years, the folds of the elbows, the wrists, knees, and ankles are most affected. Later, in adolescence, it’s most common around the eyes and feet. In adults, it is frequently on the neck, ankles, feet, and hands.


If you are someone trying to know more about baby eczema treatment options, the best bet is your doctor. Ask if daily bathing can be of help to your child. Some experts are of the opinion that daily bathing can be of help to your child if he/she is suffering from this disease. Opting for non-soap cleansers, too, is highly recommended for use when bathing a child who is a victim of this skin trouble. At the end of the bath, gently pat the skin dry. Do not rub. Doing so may worsen the rash. Done this, allow the moisture to be on the affected area by applying an organic moisturizer. Trying the following options, too, would be of great help in the matter.

1.      Say no to “topical irritants”:

Research informs us that most of the children are allergic to heavy-scented perfumes, detergents generally used in homes, dyes, and other chemicals. The best option is a shift to non-fragrant soaps or detergents even for washing clothes in your home.

Read:   How to Distinguish Eczema

2.      Test your child for food allergies:

Irritants in the environment may not be the only villains leading to eczema. They may be present in your child’s diet too. Try to watch out for possible food allergens. Breast-feeding mothers are advised to minimize Cow’s milk, egg white, food items containing citric acid and chocolates in their diets. Even if all these efforts to fail to be of help to your child, prepare a journal and avoid triggers. Even saliva or dander from animals too can cause an outbreak. The best option is to keep your child away from pets as much as possible.

3.      Allow your child to enjoy a bit of sunlight:

If you feel that going for natural cures would add up to your efforts to help your child, the best option is to allow him/her a few minutes in the sunlight. It is observed that the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight are capable of lightening the rashes on the skin. Take care to bring him/her in when you see the risk of developing sunburn.

4.      Go for light clothing:

As someone trying to know your options with regard to baby eczema treatment, you should go for soft, light clothes for your child. Here too, you are advised to go organic. Dresses with layers are generally recommended. This allows you to remove some of the layers if they get wet. Wetness can inflame eczema. This is something you should avoid at any cost as a caring mom.

5.      Prevent the child from scratching the rashes:

Dry and itchy skin is akin to eczema. You should take all possible measures to prevent the infant from scratching the affected area. Try to cut the infant’s nails short. Covering it with something soft too is an option worth trying. Trying to wipe off the drool from your child’s lips at regular intervals too is advised as a great way to ward off the outbreak of eczema. Even excessive wetness too can lead up to a flaring up of the trouble. Putting wet clothes on the affected area up to ten minutes as often as possible in the day too is a great idea worth trying. Adding a bit of baking soda in lukewarm water when giving a bath, is advised too as a great precautionary measure.

Read:   Understanding the Causes of Eczema

6.      Try probiotics:

Studies also show that probiotics and even good bacteria are given in conjunction with the baby food too can give your child great relief from the outbreak of eczema. However, this option is not yet approved by the Food and Drug Administration authorities. Still, you can take advice from your pediatrician in this regard.

7.      Organic coconut oil:

For someone searching for natural baby eczema treatment options for a child, organic coconut oil is something worth trying. Experts inform us that this is a wonderful cure for eczema. It moisturizes the skin and lightens the scars. Manuka honey is proven to be of great benefit in this direction.

8.      Try medication:

Despite all these measures, some of the parents reported that their children still suffer from eczema. If you belong to this group, you should understand that there exists no magic solution for anything. However, if things go beyond your control, you can go for medication. Some of the steroids may work well for your child. Take great care to ensure that medications are given under the constant supervision of your pediatrician. Some of them even recommend moisturizing at regular with hydrocortisone cream. This is proven to work wonders for someone suffering from eczema. However, pediatricians advise to use it with utmost caution. Even though this offers immediate relief, it is often recommended as a short-term solution. The cream helps treat the symptoms but not the root cause of the problem.

Baby eczema treatment options abound in number. Discuss your child’s trouble with your pediatrician and go for the one the doctor recommends. Self-treatment is generally discouraged for any disease and eczema is not an exception.

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