What Are the Most Effective Eczema Treatments?

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Eczema is a skin disease that is often referred to as rashes. It usually appears on the hand but can also be seen on the face, legs, stomach, and back. As the most dominant part of our body, eczema can significantly hinder our physical and social activities, leading to unstable emotions. Good thing; there are effective eczema treatments that you can do at home and lifetime. Though surgical or medications are available to treat eczema, curing it the natural way will give you more assurance.

Skin folds are not immune to eczema, and these areas may have the worst symptoms like severe itchiness and redness. It is impossible to resist scratching skin affected by eczema, and this often results in bursting of the skin lesions and possible skin infection. In addition, frequent scratching often makes the skin crusty and moist.

If left untreated, eczema symptoms may become worse. In addition, intense scratching may develop and lead to skin damage and infection.

Effective natural eczema treatments are the following:

Keep a Journal

Make a journal every day to take down notes regarding your eczema. For example, you may include instances where it gets worst and what could have triggered it. In addition, you can include all your activities for the day to identify the causes that heightened the skin problem. You may also bring this journal just in case you go for a consultation.

Look at What You Eat

Check on what you eat. Your eczema may be dealt with by the food that you eat. This is the advice that most doctors will tell you from all eczema treatments. Start on a diet, and you’ll see an improvement in your skin problem. This is not only intended for that particular problem but all through our bodies. Begin the change by including vegetables, fruits, and good meat in your meals.

Be Consistently Hygienic

Keep your body hydrated, moisturized, and clean. Maintain personal hygiene at all times. Be extra hygienic when you have eczema. You may also want to change your bath items such as soap, shampoo, and conditioner. Look for organic ingredients or supplements. If you’re fond of your favorite body lotion, it’s time to buy a new one. Try on colloidal oatmeal or coconut butter lotion.

On Washing Your Hands

If your eczema is found on your hands, ensure to wash your hands every hour. Although there is still a debate on this, you can evaluate this on your own. If washing it more often leads to aggravating it, then lessen it. Also, be careful when you use alternative washes, such as alcohol. It may worsen the bacteria and over-dry your skin.

Read:   Eczema Symptoms

Before Heading for a Shower

One recommended treatment for eczema is applying almond oil to the damaged area. Do this before taking a shower. Let the oil stay on the area and don’t touch it. The water will eventually remove it from your skin, which adds to a more moisturized skin after taking a bath.

Proper Bathing Routine

As aforementioned, you must be consistently hygienic. However, this does not mean that you should take baths and showers more than once. Please keep it clean but don’t overdo it. When taking a bath, make sure to use cold water and not stay in the water for an extended period. Pat your body with a clean towel and apply a thick moisturizer to the affected area.

Go for Natural Supplements or Ingredients

This time you’ll spend more time on your health store visits. Be keen on the ingredients of any skin products you’re going to buy and use. For best finds, look for virgin coconut oil. This oil contains fatty acids that are good fats that moisturize the damaged area. You may also look for a natural kelp supplement that reduces the acid levels in your body.

Get an Allergy Test

In the earlier eczema treatments, you’re advised to make a journal. This is helpful when you consult for a dermatologist’s advice or consultation. In addition, you may be conducting an allergy test to identify the primary cause of this skin health problem. Let the doctor know your opinion regarding why this may have led to the worst scenario. Then, you can explain your activities to help them discern its cause.

Continue these natural eczema treatments within three months. If you don’t see any remarkable improvement or changes at all, you may try the following medications:

  •        Antihistamines – although you may want to look for non-drowsy antihistamines to keep you awake
  •        Hydrocortisone – you can buy this either as cream or ointment. This can help remove mild eczema.
  •        Corticosteroids – doctors recommend taking oral steroids when ointments and oils fail to produce an effect. But take note of how to take oral steroids.
  •       Moisturizers – you may also use doctor-recommended moisturizers such as Mimyx, Epiceram, and Hylatopic Plus.

Over-the-counter Treatments

The dryness of the skin can worsen eczema. Thus, moisturizing is an essential self-care step for those with eczema. But not all products labeled as moisturizing can be used, especially those containing soap and other harsh ingredients. These will only strip your skin of its natural oils and cause it to dry out even more. Instead, use emollients that smoothen, soothe, and hydrate the skin. Emollients come in different forms: creams, lotions, and ointments. It is best to use thicker emollients like ointments on extra dry skin since light ones like aqueous creams might not have any notable effect on it. The best time to use them is after a shower while your skin is still damp.

Read:   Pompholyx Eczema: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Mild steroid creams may also be used. They control your body’s inflammatory response, thus reducing flare-ups. A weak steroid like hydrocortisone may be used for mild to moderate eczema. Prescription higher-potency steroids, such as clobetasol propionate, are recommended for severe cases. However, steroid creams must be used sparingly because of their possible side effects, such as causing the skin to become more fragile and thinner. Once the desired result has been achieved, it would be better to discontinue its use and switch to emollients.

More Treatments

There is currently no cure for eczema, but over time, experts have found treatments that were significant in reducing symptoms of this skin condition.

     Antihistamines are often prescribed by your doctor to control your allergies. Careful not to drive or operate machinery while on antihistamines since most cause drowsiness and sleepiness.

     Moisturizers are also advised by your doctor to help replenish your skin’s moisture and prevent subsequent scaling and itching.

     A topical steroid is also advised by your doctor to control your skin’s allergic reaction, thus reducing inflammation and reducing itching. Your doctor will recommend the appropriate strength of topical steroids for your specific condition.

     Antibiotics are often prescribed to control skin infection. However, the lesion can be infected over time due to scratching and rubbing, and thus a topical or oral antibiotic cream is advised.

     Herbal or home remedies can also be used to control eczema symptoms. These treatments range from using essential oils, tars, and mentholated creams and rubs.

A skin specialist or a dermatologist is the ideal person to diagnose and treat eczema symptoms. There are significant advancements in controlling eczema that he might use, like immunosuppressant medications and the most recent advancement in treating this skin condition, ultraviolet light treatment.

Consult a dermatologist for advice for the best results, especially if you have serious eczema problems.




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