Tips for Your Eczema Lifestyle

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If you have been diagnosed as being an eczema sufferer, then you know well how painful and itchy it can be. Therefore, consider that some simple changes to your lifestyle can help in a big way, in terms of treating your skin condition.

Eczema is an inflammation of the skin. The skin may look red and inflamed, scaly, leathery, crusty, and flaky. As you can imagine, pictures are a big no-no for sufferers of eczema. With rashes all over their face, neck, scalp, and other visible areas, they would refuse to have their skin condition immortalized in pictures.
Today, many treatments are available for eczema—mild over-the-counter remedies like emollients and steroid creams. Prescription medications may also be taken once you have consulted with a doctor. However, all of these won’t take their full effect unless you combine them with a change in your lifestyle.

The following information are tips for keeping your skin comfortable and soft.

Know what triggers your eczema
There are lots of factors that can trigger an eczema flare-up. These can range from dust mites to changing laundry soap. The most important aspect is figuring out what your individual triggers are, and then avoiding them. One general rule for all of these sufferers is that fragrances are out of the question. Experts suggest eliminating things such as perfumes, scented body lotions, soaps, cosmetics, and so on from your daily routine. In their place, you should look to buy products that do not contain chemicals, additives, or scent.

Keep Away From Skin Irritants

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Some chemicals and substances would only irritate your skin and cause eczema outbreaks. Some of them are the following:

  1. Soaps and detergents
  2. Bleach
  3. Paint
  4. Wool and other scratchy fabrics
  5. Skincare products with alcohol

Moisturize your skin often
One of the best ways to control your eczema is to keep moisturizer on it all day. This is especially true after you get out of the bath or the shower.
Make it a point to moisturize your skin. It is best to use skin moisturizers, such as emollients, after a bath with your skin still damp. Thick emollients like ointments would work best on extra dry skin. Lighter emollients, such as aqueous creams and lotions, are not as effective.
Avoid long and hot showers. Shower quickly using warm water instead. Avoid using soap as this will only strip your skin of its natural oils; use non-soap cleansers instead. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft towel. Excessive rubbing will only aggravate your skin condition.

Manage the temperatures inside your home
Too many changes in humidity or temperature can cause flare-ups in eczema patients. Though you cannot control the outdoor weather, you can control the conditions in your personal home. When it’s hot outside, keep the AC on in the home to remain cool. On the other hand, during the winter use a cool-mist humidifier to keep your skin from drying out.

Do not scratch your eczema
Of course, it is itchy! Yet, scratching it will make it worse. Moreover, scratching can also lead to an infection as it can damage your skin. Scratching would only create an itch-scratch cycle: the skin starts to itch, the person scratches it, and the skin becomes itchier. Excessive scratching might affect your skin reaction. It sometimes results in thicker skin, which feels leathery. Scratching might also affect the healing process since it can break the skin and cause an infection to occur.

Read:   Home Remedies for Eczema: Your Ultimate Guide

To minimize itching, moisturize your skin frequently, and resist the urge to scratch it. You can ask your doctor regarding medicines that can relieve itching.

Wear only clothes that are comfortable and do not irritate your skin
Clothes made from full cotton or cotton blends are your best option. Other fabrics such as synthetic fabrics and wools, like polyester can really begin to irritate your skin. To help reduce irritation one thing you can do is wash all new clothing before ever wearing it. Moreover, skip the dryer sheet and only use a mild detergent.

Relax and Unwind

Stress is one of the primary triggers of eczema, so you should maintain emotional balance. Try to relax more often.

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