How to Reduce Eczema Flare-ups

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A form of dermatitis, eczema affects many people around the world. This is a skin condition that is characterized by patches of skin that are red, dry, and itchy on the body. It is something that can be treated, but not cured. Hence, those who suffer with this condition can only hope to make it go into remission as often as possible. On the other hand, the only other thing you can do is choose a treatment plan and stick to it because managing it properly will make it much easier to cope with.

Here are some of the best things you can do to reduce eczema flare-ups:

  • Do not scratch! The more you scratch at the affected areas, the more they will itch. You can try using menthol ointments to ease the discomfort.
  • Figure out what causes the flare-ups. Have you introduced anything new into your life? For instance, did you get a new pet? Change laundry or bath soap? Eat a new food for the first time?
  • Avoid direct sunlight on your skin. Since the sun is known for drying out your skin, the more exposure you get – the drier your skin will become.
  • Do not subject your skin to harsh detergents, shampoos, and soaps. The truth is that bargain brands can use strong chemicals known for breaking down your skin’s natural oils.
  • Check your clothing. Make sure to inspect your clothing if the areas are those that your clothing touches. Begin by making sure your clothes are rinsed well, and stick with 100% cotton garments when possible.
  • Purchase a high-quality moisturizer. Your best bet against eczema flare-ups is going to be keeping your skin moisturized. For this reason, one great idea is to find a product specifically for eczema sufferers, or at least one that is gentle, odorless, and colorless. If you can find one with SPF that’s even better!
  • Put the moisturizer on during the day. Add oatmeal bath or bath oil to your bathwater. When you get out, pat your skin dry and moisturize immediately. Try to keep the lotion on your skin multiple times per day.
  • Rubbing the lotion on within three minutes of showering is essential. The fact is that your pores are open after you’ve been in warm water. This is why you should put the moisturizer on your skin as soon as possible before your pores close again.
  • Moisturize your skin before bed. Again, moisturizing is very important! That’s why slathering your skin with lotion before going to sleep will allow your skin to get ready for the new day ahead.
  • Get checked for food allergies. Your body changes over time. So, food intolerances can build-up; some examples of common allergens are wheat, sugar, yeast, and dairy products.
  • Eat healthy. Make sure your diet consists of lots of foods high in fatty acids, vitamins B6, A, E and more.
  • Prevent yourself from stressing. Stress can contribute to a great deal of eczema flare-ups. Things you can do include cutting down the amounts of pressure on you and preventing anxiety by letting trivial matters go.
Read:   Eczema Medications

In conclusion, there are many things you can do to manage flare-ups caused by eczema. The treatments you choose to use will greatly depend on the type of eczema you have and what triggers it. The point is, don’t suffer – fight back!

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