Coping with Eczema During Pregnancy

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Dermatitis, or eczema is a chronic skin condition that is very common. In cases that are mild the skin is hot, itchy, and dry. On the other hand, cases that are severe can lead to skin that becomes raw and bleeds. While this condition cannot be cured, it can be treated. However, if you are pregnant there are some things you should know before proceeding with any treatment option.

Why do you get eczema during pregnancy?

Atopic eczema is the most common type. This kind is most likely genetic and brought-on by exposure to allergens in the environment. The point is that if you have this kind of condition, then you or someone else in your family suffers from food allergies, hay fever, and asthma. The other common types of eczema are caused by direct contact with irritants like detergents, metals, chemicals, yeast, and so on.

When you are pregnant and suffering from this condition, there is no doubt your hormone levels are raging and not making it any better. It’s not known for sure why some women will experience flare-ups from their eczema during their pregnancy, where other women will go straight into remission.

How to Treat Eczema during Pregnancy

Here are some tips for treating eczema during pregnancy, but make sure you ask your doctor before trying any of them:

  • Topical steroids can be used in small quantities.
  • For the itchiness, try an antihistamine.
  • Coal tar is great for soothing skin that’s inflamed. Just beware that it smells and stains everything it comes in contact with.
Read:   Discoid Eczema

Treatments to Avoid while Pregnant

The following are medications and treatments that you should avoid while you are pregnant or breastfeeding:

  • Cyclosporine can lead to premature birth.
  • Certain systemic and topical antibiotics may not be completely safe to use.
  • Avoid inflammation reducing medications called TIMs. Also known as topical immunomodulators, Elidel and Protopic are not recommended during this time because they are known for suppressing your immune system. However, they can also cross the placenta and contaminate the breast milk. TIMs come in oral medications, and those carry the same risks – so avoid them all!
  • Other home remedies such as Chinese medicine or herbal should be avoided unless otherwise Okayed by your primary care doctor.

In summary, a pregnant woman with eczema will either suffer from flare-ups or go into remission. Either way, it’s important to know what you should and shouldn’t do for your skin condition during a pregnancy.

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