Understanding the Causes of Eczema

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What do we mean by eczema?

The common symptoms of eczema are dry, reddish, and itchy skin. Though adults also get it, eczema is mostly found in children. The condition is also known as atopic dermatitis, which is treated with the help of steroid creams, light therapy, and oral medications.

It is a chronic problem where the color of the skin turns reddish, and it becomes dry and cracked. Excessive itching is one of the main symptoms of eczema. It can affect females and males equally irrespective of their backgrounds. In North America, the total figure of people suffering from eczema seems to be rising every year. In nearly 80% of the cases, it has been seen in children below the age of 5 years.

In this article, we will consider the various causes of eczema.

How common is the problem of eczema?

It is a typical problem seen in greater than 10% of the population in general. As per the statistics, around 15 to 20 % of the dermatological patients come in with the problem of eczema.

Both genetic and environmental factors can be held responsible for eczema

Since the actual causes of eczema remain unknown, hence it is believed that both the genetic aspect and the environmental factors are responsible for the condition.

Most experts have said that it is an inherited condition, and most people are born with eczema. 60% of the children suffering from eczema have at least one parent who has the same condition. And if both their parents suffered from this condition, then there are 80% chances of the child developing the same.

Looking at the present conditions, many scientists believe that environmental factors play a significant role in the rising number of cases of eczema. Like this;

When a child is brought up in an ultra-clean environment where they are not exposed to the normal bacteria and other moderators of immunity development, then they don’t develop the resistance and may become a victim of eczema.

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The other triggering factor is probably the exposure to common allergens like dry air, animal hair, pollen, irritants, exposure to extreme temperatures, etc.

What are the other causes of eczema?

Apart from the above factors, there are several other eczema causes a few of which are stated below;

Hormonal imbalance – It means that the body is secreting either too much or too little of the hormones. Low thyroid levels can be a chief reason for eczema. In this condition of hypothyroidism, the blood circulation reduces, therefore; the skin receives only about 1/5th of the usual blood supply. Due to reduced circulation, the nourishment of the body decreases, and the wastes are also not drained out properly. That results in unhealthy skin conditions like eczema.

Improper digestion – The stomach is the place where the nutrients get converted into fuel, which is used to run the body. Therefore the gastrointestinal tract needs to be kept healthy because a dysfunctional tract is one of the primary reasons for developing eczema.

Infection – If your immune system is weak, you have a high chance of developing eczema. Candida albicans are such a fungus that weakens the immune system, and the condition is termed as candidiasis. You tend to develop this infection by consuming processed foods and using different antibiotics.

Being exposed to toxins – In the modern lifestyle, there are high chances of us getting exposed to toxins around us, which ultimately can lead to eczema. Toxins enter our bodies in various ways. These toxins with time overload our liver and kidney, thus congesting them. Therefore a time comes when the entire burden of detoxification comes on our skin, thus giving rise to problems like eczema.

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Stress – When you face psychological or emotional stress regularly, then our body secretes a hormone called cortisol, which destroys the good bacteria in the intestinal tract, thus damaging the digestive system. Stress can also cause several other malfunctions of the body, thus giving rise to many diseases, including eczema.

As you can see from this article, there is a considerable number of eczema causes, and there is no quick heal for this condition. To treat your problem, you need to know the exact cause of eczema. Then only can you discover the best healing trick?

If you have been diagnosed with eczema, the doctor will tell you what type of eczema it is and will brief you with a suitable treatment plan. This plan is based on the type and severity of eczema, and your medical history, among other factors. In general, the medications that the doctor will prescribe aims to reduce itching, lessen skin inflammation, remove and decrease lesions, and clear up infections if any.

It is imperative to understand that there is no cure for eczema. Treatment only aims to lessen the symptoms. Also, one treatment alone will not be effective in most cases of eczema. Studies show that the most effective treatment for any type of eczema involves a combination of different therapies.

Today, there are hundreds of effective over-the-counter products and prescription medications used to deal with eczema. With the proper treatment, you are sure to control the stated skin condition.

Always consult your doctor or dermatologist to get the proper diagnosis and treatment.


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