Dyshidrotic Eczema: All You Need to Know

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You may be someone concerned about the blisters on your feet and palms. You might also be of the view that this may be happening due to excessive sweating. Since topical creams help you get relief from these annoyances, you would not feel tensed. But, the fact is that you are suffering from dyshidrotic eczema.

What is dyshidrotic eczema?

This is a disease characterized by fluid-filled blisters on one’s feet and palms. And, it affects mostly adults, those who are in the age range of 20-50.  If you are someone suffering from this disease, you are sure to be suffering from some kind of an allergy.

In appearance, dyshidrotic eczema would look like vesicles filled with fluid, smaller in size. These would grow into weeping crusts as the disease grows into the advanced stage. The complication which may become serious at times is the bacterial infection of the open wounds. This if left untreated may spread onto the soft tissues of the area being affected.


The exact cause of this disease remains unknown to the experts even at present. Excessive sweating was believed to be the reason behind this skin trouble. But, studies found out that there exists no connection between sweating and this disease. Experts have found out that numerous genetic and external factors contribute to this condition. Some of them include the following.

•Fungal infection



•Allergy towards the metals like nickel

•Other common allergens like cigarette smoke.

Is it contagious?

Dyshidrotic eczema is a recurring disease. It implies that this condition is not something which happens due to a particular reason which can be terminated for good. Those who are already suffering from eczema are considered to be the easy victim of this disease. There exists no reliable proof to believe that this disease is a contagious one.

Preventing this trouble

With no absolute treatment available, preventing is the feasible option available for those who consider themselves to be easy victims of dyshidrotic eczema. Do the following to prevent possible outbreaks of this disease.

1. Avoid products used to sanitize hands containing harsh chemicals, particularly alcohol.

Read:   What is Eczema?

2. Stay away from keyboards of computers made from metals like nickel.

3. Have bath using mild or non-soap cleansers.

4. Allow your feet to air at regular intervals and avoid excessive sweating.

5. Take proper care of your skin.

6. Protect your hands with heavy gloves and feet with cotton socks.

7. Know how to express your emotion and stay away from stress.


Treatments may be available for different types of eczema. However, there exists no absolute cure for this disease. Avoiding risk factors and getting relief from the symptoms are the only options available for someone suffering from dyshidrotic eczema.

When you consult a doctor complaining of this condition, you may be tested to know the possibility of any other troubles like fungal infection. This may involve biopsy, where a sample of the skin would be taken out to be tested in a lab. If it is found out that the reason for your dyshidrotic eczema is some kind of an allergy, tests to prove the same too may be conducted.

If the outbreak is of mild in nature, you may be given antihistamines to help you get relief from the symptoms. The medications like petroleum jelly too may be prescribed to offer relief from itching. If the disease has grown to its advanced stage, you may be asked to go for the treatments like ultraviolet therapy, immune suppressant ointments etc. However, you can try a few natural options before opting for any of these medications. Following are just a few of them.

1.      White vinegar:

A substance which is high in acidic content, applying white vinegar may cause a bit of pain. But, studies show that white vinegar is capable of destroying bacteria and dislodging the flakes. A bit of pain is sure to appear nothing when compared to the relief it provides.

2.      Flax seed oil:

Dyshidrotic eczema is characterized by scaly skin. Applying flax seed oil is proven to be effective for those suffering from this condition. It may take time to see the results. But, doing it regularly for a few months would help you stay protected from this trouble. You may not be able to discontinue this for good.

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3.      Aloe Vera:

Known as a great cure for acne, Aloe Vera too is one among the proven solution to dyshidrotic eczema. It makes the scaly skin smooth and offers relief from skin irritations.

4.      Milk and Oatmeal:

This mixture may appear strange. But, research shows that this is capable of treating this disease. While milk sooths the scaly skin, oatmeal removes it. You can substitute soap with this healing mixture.

5.      Witch Hazel:

Soaking with Witch Hazel in the affected areas too is known to be of help to those who suffer from dyshidrotic eczema.

Topical creams and antibiotic medicines

If you find that all these natural remedies fail to be of assistance to you, you can go for their chemical counterparts. Your options are vast and varied with regard to creams capable of removing the scaly patches on your skin. Some of them are as follows.

•Cortisone: Known to be an effective dyshidrotic eczema treatment, this offers you quick relief from the inflammation and related irritations. Experience shows that wrapping up the affected area in plastic boosts the absorption of the medicine into the skin. Applying moist compressor too is proven to be effective. Cortisone pills are generally prescribed for those for whom the disease has become severe.

•Zinc Oxide: This cream too functions almost like Cortisone. The cream helps your body to remove the scaly skin.

•Antibiotic medications: If you find it hard to resist the temptation to scratch the affected area, you can take oral medications to get instant relief from itching.

Even after being cured off, dyshidrotic eczema makes your skin very sensitive. You would have to bid farewell to possible risk factors for good if you wish a permanent relief from this disease.

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