Home Remedies for Eczema: Your Ultimate Guide

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Eczema is a skin disease which affects people of all ages. When you consult a doctor, you would be given a steroid which may give you relief for a short time. But, the moment you complete the course of treatment, eczema comes back and that too with full force. Here are some home remedies for eczema to try out if you are someone suffering from this disease.

1.      Introduce changes in your menu:

Initiate your efforts to treat eczema naturally by altering your diet. Let your menu be a rich source of fatty omega acids. Including vegetables and nuts in their raw form is highly recommended. Having fish like salmon too has proven to be helpful in treating this chronic skin disease.

2.      Change the soap and shampoo you use:

As someone suffering from eczema, you should go for organic products. Know that your favorite expensive shampoo or soap may be the villain causing an outbreak of this disease. As the saying goes, do not allow anything which you do not put into your mouth to be on the skin.

3.      Apply honey:

Honey is known to be the most effective among the home remedies for eczema. The anti-bacterial property inherent in this natural cure offers you relief from the scars of this skin trouble. Just apply honey after washing the affected area. Preparing a mixture of crystallized sugar and honey and rubbing it on the skin too would give you great relief.

4.      Avoid risk factors:

Know that eczema is a condition which cannot be cured, but can only be controlled. For this reason, the best treatment available may be avoiding risk factors. If you are a person suffering from eczema, the highly recommended option is to do an allergy test. If it is found out that it is the reaction to a particular substance, cloth or even to climate, you should avoid them to prevent eczema from aggravating.

5.      Go for natural moisturizers:

A person suffering from eczema should avoid moisturizers which include chemicals. The items like aloe Vera, almond etc. are options worth trying. This is an advice given even by reputed dermatologists. Coconut butter too is one among the immensely popular home remedies for eczema.

Read:   Is Eczema Contagious?

6.      Be careful about your personal hygiene:

Personal hygiene too plays a great role in preventing the outbreak of eczema. Experience informs us that creams containing neem oil is an effective treatment for this skin trouble.

7.      Consume multiple vitamin supplements:

An effective treatment plan for eczema should contain all the vitamins required for your body. You may be having a healthy diet. However, it is not a must that you should be getting all the vitamin in sufficient quantities. The best thing to do is to include an excellent-quality multiple vitamin supplement in your diet. Look for the ingredients like zinc, vitamin B Complex and minerals. Having grapes and fish oil at regular intervals too is highly recommended.

8.      Have a bath in the mixture of lukewarm water, almond oil and milk:

A mixture of almond oil and milk too is proven to be an effective treatment for eczema. Rinse yourself and come out of the tub. Do not rub. Doing this may worsen your eczema. You may gently pat yourself dry afterwards.

9.      Apply lemon juice:

Lemon juice too is one among the proven home remedies for eczema. Its inherent anti-bacterial and anti-septic properties are capable of curing even old eczema scars. Apply freshly prepared lemon juice two times a day on the affected area. Exfoliating your skin with a mixture of lemon and sugar too can have a soothing effect for your dry skin. It would also give relief from consistent itching.

10.   Shea Butter:

A rich source of vitamin A, E and carotene, Shea butter too is one among the best known home remedies for eczema. Applying it regularly on your skin would rejuvenate it, helping it to get back its earlier glow.

11.   Say no to cow’s milk:

Cow’s milk is known to be a trigger capable of aggravating eczema. However, this remains a matter of debate among experts. Cow’s milk may not be a trouble for you. But, it is advised that you should stop having cow’s milk if you are a person suffering from this skin disease.

Read:   What Are Some Safe Ways to Fight Eczema

12.   Baking soda:

Applying baking soda on your eczema is known to be a treatment capable of removing the dead cells which may be causing the scar on your skin. The great thing is that baking soda does this without making you suffer from any kind of itching.

13.   Aloe Vera:

Aloe Vera too is one among the best known home remedies for eczema. This cures you of this disease with the inherent anti-inflammatory and the anti-microbial properties in this plant. The regular application of Aloe Vera

 Oil would lighten the scars and provide relief from the irritations like itching on the affected area.

14.   Vaseline:

Vaseline may appear to be too greasy to be applied on your skin. But, its effect is drastic. Within two days, your skin would appear moisturized. But, you may have to continue applying it for a few days to see lasting effect. Massaging the affected area with coconut oil too would be of great help with this regard.

15.   Olive oil:

Experts inform us that olive oil is one among the great home remedies for eczema. The oil contains anti-inflammatory ingredients in large quantities. Applying it regularly on your skin would help you get rid of scars. It would even reduce the redness in the affected area.

16.   Apple Cider Vinegar:

This is a great cure for eczema available from your kitchen. It contains anti-fungal properties which would be of benefit for someone suffering from eczema.

If your skin is in a bad state, wearing cotton gloves would do great. Having Piriton tablets every four hours too is known to be of assistance to those suffering from eczema.

Home remedies for eczema abound in number. Explore the Internet and go for the one you feel would work for you.

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